Medicine Review in a Few Podcast

Intro imageMedicine Review in a Few will be a podcast series in which I review what I consider important studies in Internal Medicine. The intended audience is narrow and includes internists, family medicine physicians, medical students, and internal medicine and family medicine residents.  Each episode will review one study and will last less than 10 minutes; hence the “in a few” portion of the title. I think its important to keep information that isn’t interactive and is only processed through one channel fairly short. I personally lose interest and focus with long podcasts. According to data from the average listener abandons a podcast within 22 minutes.

In Episode 1 I review the ADJUST-PE study. I chose to begin my podcast series with this study because I recently used the information in this study to care for a patient. I wasn’t aware of the findings of this study until one of my residents brought it to my attention. I hope that some of my followers on Twitter and my professional blog will learn something about age adjusting d-dimer cutoff levels. Keeping current in medicine challenging for practicing physicians. Regularly reading the medical literature is time consuming. I plan to only review clinically useful studies and will comment on any methodological limitations of the studies that I think the average clinician wouldn’t recognize or know how that limitation impacts the study findings.

I was somewhat frustrated developing this podcast because I wanted to make an enhanced podcast but in the end I am glad I failed because I would have violated the redundancy principle. As I was reading about enhanced podcasts I found several bloggers who questioned the role of an enhanced podcast and suggested that a video would be better. If I add these to iTunes I need to add cover artwork. For now I plan to post them on my professional blog only.

This project meets several AECT standards. This podcast series is meant to be educational and meets the following standards: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2. The image I used above is from and requires no attribution. The music used in my podcast is royalty free from